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Walking Aids

Wheelchairs and walking aids come in many guises, whilst there may be a lot of choice, all are aimed at improving mobility and quality of life. We stock a wide variety of lightweight wheelchairs, walkers, rollators, tri-walkers, along with walking sticks and canes, we even stock the ferrules or that "rubber thing" on the end of a stick.  

The wheelchairs come in differing sizes and configurations to suit the user, some have large wheels and are know as self propel, while others have smaller wheels and are often known as transit or transport chairs. We also offer specialist wheelchairs where a prescription is used to determine the specification.

3 and 4 wheeled walkers, often know as rollators and triwalkers respectively, also come in many styles and sizes, indoor and outdoor, or some do both, so it's worth spending time choosing the right one for you, be that being based around budget, or overall feel and performance. They are all height adjustable to ensure the correct walking position or posture.

Walking sticks have many styles and designs, traditional and more recent Fischer or ergonomic, some fold, some don't, all are height adjustable, though we can only shorten the wooden ones! We also have specialist tri and quad canes, we three and four feet offering that bit more stability, and by virtue of the base, they stand up by themselves, so are ideal when preparing food in the kitchen for example. We also stock the wrist straps and the stick clips, the latter enabling a stick to be laid against a counter or desk top without falling over.   

Walking frames, often known as zimmer frames, are available either with or without front wheels, there are also accessories available such as net bags and caddy's to enable bits and pieces to be carried around the home.  



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